
How to display Search Box of jquery datatable at the bottom of the table?

To display the search box of jquery datatable at the bottom of the table use "sDom" parameter as follows:

"sDom": '<"top"i>rt<"bottom"flp><"clear">'

where "top", "bottom" and "clear" are the classes of the div where the text box will render in.

Adding country into the selected continent from drop down via ajax. ajax.success method was not being called.

While working on a project, we were given a task to show the countries of selected continent from drop down box and bind it to another drop down box as well as display it in a view. But, I got stuck at a point where my AJAX success method was not called. The code in the controller was perfect. The problem is because project is running on the IIS server.

So how to resolve it? Solution is right click